
When Is It Time to Replace Your Old Home Insulation?

26 May 2022

Insulating your home is the wisest investment you can make for your living space. It can greatly help in reducing energy usage and consequently decreases your utility bills. In terms of the health and comfort aspect, properly working insulation provides warmth and a comfortable temperature for you and your family. Thus, maintaining your insulation at home in good working condition should also be top of your priority. Their effectiveness can be affected by a lot of factors. If you own an old home, the initial step to check is its physical condition. If there is damage or if it is […]

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How Your Home Insulation Can Affect Your Allergies

12 May 2022

While home insulation is important to your household because of the number of benefits that it gives to you and your family, your home insulation may also be the culprit of your recurring allergy attacks. Your home insulation can be the one producing allergen indoors that constantly triggers your allergy especially when you are lounging at home. If you are wondering if your insulation at home can affect your health, here is how your home insulation can affect your allergies. Constant Exposure to Moisture The presence of mould in your home insulation system can lead to serious health issues. Mould […]

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Insulation and Energy Efficiency: Why Do They Go Hand in Hand?

26 April 2022

A properly installed insulation system in a newly constructed commercial space or living area provides energy efficiency. Installing an insulation system is a sure way to mitigate the heat flow from outside and will result in a cooler temperature inside your building. By this, energy usage and energy bills are simultaneously reduced. Therefore, insulation and energy efficiency must go hand in hand. Insulation and energy efficiency must go hand in hand to achieve these positive results. Reduces Demand for Energy Insulation and energy efficiency must go hand in hand to achieve the needed result which is, reducing the energy demand.Installation […]

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The Role of Insulation in Thermal Comfort

08 April 2022

There are a lot of factors that help contribute to thermal comfort. Thermal comfort is affected mainly by environmental and personal factors. They may vary and be independent of each other but they both contribute to and affect people’s thermal comfort. Thermal comfort and discomfort will depend largely on these factors. To counter these factors affecting thermal comfort in homes and workplaces, many companies have created insulation systems to address the concern. Over the years, residential and various establishment owners have discovered the important role of installing insulation in their homes and building. Some of the roles of insulation in […]

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Insulation Gone Wrong: What to Do When Your Home Insulation Turns Black?

25 March 2022

Good! Your attic is insulated, so you checked it out. You noticed some black spots. Don’t be too scared. It is not that bad a deal, but it is a sign that something is wrong and you need to fix it. The good news is that it is an easy fix and you could have it done in a matter of minutes. Do not worry! It is not mould or mildew and it won’t infiltrate into the rest of the home. But it is an indication that there are problems with the insulation and your home has draughts and air […]

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